Aspiring & Existing Property Deal Sourcers...

Learn How You Can Secure Your First or Next Property Sourcing Deal in the Next 90 Days Without Quitting Your 9-5, Risking Your Savings, or Feeling Overwhelmed, GUARANTEED - Or We'll Work with you for FREE Until You Do.

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See What Some Of Our Current Clients Are Saying...

Orlando: 18 years old (12 deals sold)

Josh: 4 deals in 7 days (19 years old)

Louis : Beginner to 10 deals sold in 90 days

Tom : 7 deals in 3 months at 20 Years old

Unique : 3 Deals (ÂŁ9,000) in one week!

Tyla : property agent To successful sourcer

Eros : Beginner to property business owner

Amy : beginner to selling deals every month

Jaida : deal secured in her first 1-3 weeks!

Caleb : Uni student to entrepreneur

Osa: From Uni Student To Property Expert

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The DJPS Academy

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